Building Hope in Days of Crisis: How Can Intercultural Educators, Researchers, and Trainers Better Serve Learners in the World We Live In?


9 h 30 - 17 h 00 Europe/Paris

IESEG School of Management

In the past decade, humanity has been confronted with momentous changes and seemingly crisis after crisis.  We have encountered a global pandemic, a worsening climate emergency, an increasingly unstable global financial system, and in many nations, greater support for nativist, xenophobic ideologies that exclude those who are perceived as different from a narrow mainstream defined in terms of ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, and/or religion—to name a few.

Amidst such uncertainty, values that we as interculturalists espouse—such as acceptance, diversity, equity, and inclusion—are increasingly under assault.  Therefore, more than ever, it is essential that we share with the world what we have learned about creating positive intercultural communication and relational outcomes, as our world has never been in greater need of such knowledge and communication skills to cooperatively tackle global problems that affect, and in some cases, endanger us all.

This workshop will begin with the group brainstorming what we, as intercultural educators, researchers, and trainers, can share with our students, the public, and clients to cope with these crises and the instability that they engender.  Then, Professor Adam Komisarof will share a way that he has addressed such questions in his own research and practice: by defining belonging and researching how it is achieved both in societies and work organizations, he has identified ways of making such groups more inclusive.  In other words, by creating more cohesive and diverse ingroups in societal communities and workplaces, we are better equipped to communicate about the crises we face and work together effectively and cohesively to address them.

By the end of this one-day workshop, participants will clarify their visions as intercultural educators, scholars, and practitioners for helping their students, the general public, and clients to constructively address the crises and instability in our age.  Moreover, they will gain a deep understanding of belonging and develop action plans for encouraging greater belonging, both for themselves and others, in their communities and work organizations.

Adam Komisarof, PhD, is Professor in Keio University’s Faculty of Letters in Tokyo. His research interests are in intercultural communication, acculturation psychology, and intercultural education. He has spent two sabbaticals at the University of Oxford, first as a Visiting Academic at the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies (2012-13), and currently at the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS). Professor Komisarof has published 3 books, the newest being Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities, as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters. As an intercultural trainer, he has performed scores of workshops over the past 25 years for large companies and governmental organizations in the United States, Japan, Southeast Asia, and Europe. Dr. Komisarof has been a member of SIETAR for 24 years, and he is a Fellow and President of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, an academic organization dedicated to advancing research in intercultural studies and intergroup understanding in the world.


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