Made in France and ailleurs: « How to Build Cultural Agility » Dr. Paula Caligiuri


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

While the professional world is now more diverse and interconnected than ever before, success in a multicultural context requires more than a Zoom account and an internet connection. To gain trust, build credibility, and communicate effectively in a multicultural environment, professionals need a greater level of cultural agility.

Cultural agility is the ability to comfortably and successfully work in culturally novel contexts and with people from different cultures (e.g., national, generational, professional).

Paula Caligiuri (author of Build Your Cultural Agility and Cultural Agility: Developing a Pipeline of Successful Global Professionals and Co-Founder of Skiilify) will discuss the myths surrounding the development of cultural agility — and how these myths have permeated through talent management practices. She will also discuss how to build cultural agility competencies for future global roles.

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Paula Caligiuri is a Distinguished Professor of International Business at Northeastern University.  She researches and consults in the areas of expatriate management, global leadership development, and cultural agility.  She has served as an Area Editor for the Journal of International Business Studies and as a Senior Editor for the Journal of World Business.  Paula has been a frequent expert guest on CNN and CNN International and is an instructor for LinkedIn Learning courses. She was a semi-finalist for the 2021 Forbes “50 over 50” for co-founding a public benefit corporation, Skiilify, to help foster cross-cultural understanding. Paula holds a Ph.D. from Penn State in Organizational Psychology and is a Fellow of both the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the Academy of International Business.


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