SIETAR France and SIETAR Polska Webinar: « Ukrainian Identity, Resilience & Standing up for Values » with Victoria Spashchenko


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

This webinar is a communication platform to exchange on identity and cultural values, and to see how they are manifested in everyday life, specifically during war times.

We will discuss what makes a Ukrainian character and how it has been shaped, and you will discover the winning Ukrainian mindset.

Together we will explore the strengths that contribute to resilience and consider the role of civil society in building brave responses to the most powerful challenges.

Victoria Spashchenko is a Cross-Cultural coach and facilitator, Board Member of SIETAR Europa (2019-2024), a trainer and mentor of Young SIETAR.

She is also a Solution-Focused practitioner, keynote speaker, and author of practical guides on how to solve problems without discussing them.” (By V. Spashchenko)

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