SIETAR France Made in France and Ailleurs Webinar: « Making Working Relationships Work:Handling intercultural challenges and promoting rapport » with Helen Spencer-Oatey


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

Effective relationship management at work is crucial for business/organisational success – it affects employee performance and wellbeing, as well as the recruitment and retention of talent. Yet relationship management is demanding to handle well, especially in contexts of cultural diversity. Colleagues can get upset or annoyed with each other, and managers and direct reports can have difficulty working together smoothly. In this talk I introduce a framework and a set of tools that can help people handle relationship challenges at work more effectively.

I start by explaining the six key factors that have been identified in pragmatic theory and research as affecting rapport. Each of the factors has the potential to enhance rapport or to undermine it, and so if relationships are to be managed well, the factors need to be handled in ways that take each party’s wants and expectations into account. This means that it is important to be mindful of people’s preferences and expectations, and I introduce the TRIPS Rapport Management Framework as a way of supporting this process. Session participants will have the opportunity to reflect on and apply the framework to authentic case studies, and to learn about a new tool, the RELMAP (Relationship Management Profiler) which can identify priority areas for professional development around handling working relationships.

Helen Spencer-Oatey is Managing Director of GlobalPeople Consulting Ltd. (GPC) and Emeritus Professor of Intercultural Communication at the University of Warwick, UK. Working at the interface of psychology and communication, she is internationally renowned for her writings on intercultural rapport, relationships and communication. She has developed a wide range of popular diagnostic tools and professional development resources for organisations, teams and individuals – now available via GlobalPeople Consulting Ltd. Her two most recent books are Making Working Relationships Work (co-authored with Domna Lazidou) and Global Fitness for Global People (co-authored with Peter Franklin and Domna Lazidou), both published by Castledown Press.

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