SIETAR FRANCE Made in France et Ailleurs Webinar « From critical incidents to learning ecosystems – activities for intercultural competence development » with Robert Gibson


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

Two keys to successful intercultural training are to be authentic and interactive. Materials need to be based on real life experience and relevant to your target group. A high level of interactivity ensures that, whether you are working online or face-to-face, the participants are fully engaged in their learning.

In this interactive presentation we will look at a range of activities including reflection exercises, critical incidents, cases studies and role play. As well as activities suitable for webinars and seminars we will also discuss ways of developing intercultural competence beyond formal training.

Robert Gibson has 30 years’ experience of global competence development in business and education. He was responsible for intercultural training at Siemens AG from 2000 – 2018 and has taught at several universities including Bologna Business School. He was a founding member of SIETAR Deutschland and former Vice-President of SIETAR Europa. His latest publication Bridge the Culture Gaps – a toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace was published by NB/Hachette in 2021.

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