Webapero facilitated by Victoria Spashchenko, Ukrainian Interculturalist, and Grazia Ghellini


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

How can a Solution-Focused Approach be used by intercultural trainers to help Ukrainians temporarily hosted in other countries, as well as refugees coming from war zones?

After a short presentation on the Solution-Focused Approach and how Victoria Spashchenko has been applying it in Ukraine to help Ukrainians to re-focus on the successful solutions in challenging times, Grazia Ghellini and the speaker will invite the Webapero participants to reflect on how the method can be leveraged to help people seeking shelter in France to find their place in the host country and adapt to the local culture.

Victoria Spashchenko is a Cross-Cultural expert, coach, consultant, facilitator, interculturalist, and Board Member of SIETAR Europa. She is also an international trainer, facilitator, and mentor of Young SIETAR.

Apart from this, Victoria is a Solution-Focused practitioner, project-manager of “SF Ukraine”, speaker, author of the Practical Guides “How to Solve Problems Without Discussing Them. Solution-Focused Approach for Managers and for Others, too” and “WOwW-school. Working on what works. Solution-Focused Approach for Teachers, Parents and for Others, too” (in Ukrainian).

Victoria’s background includes 20+ years of extensive working experience in both, international/local businesses, and the public sector. She has worked in different areas, such as international trade, public education, catering, international development, media, legal services, chemical industry.

Victoria holds an Executive MBA from IBR, Institute of International Business Relations (Steinbeis University, Germany). Board Member of SIETAR Europa (http://www.sietareu.org/) Member of SolWorld community (http://www.solworld.org/) https://solutiontalk.com.ua/en

To register please contact Grazia Ghellini: grazia.ghellini@gmail.com – Connexion direct link to the event, click here