Webapero “Women and men: two cultures?” Verbal Communication across genders in the workplace « 


18 h 00 - 19 h 30 Europe/Paris

With Cristina Massa

Men and women interact constantly in the workplace: gender differences can come into play in their interactions due to different communication styles. In what ways do they communicate differently?  Research shows that men are more prone to adopt what is called « report talk », while women gravitate more towards « rapport talk ». Given such differences, how can we improve communication across genders in the workplace?  What is the best way to plan and work effectively taking gender into consideration? This is what we will explore with Cristina in this Webapero.

Business Coach, Trainer and Motivator: Cristina is a multifunctional trainer and internal communication coach. The training and professional « soft skills » support she has provided to international companies have enabled her to acquire multiple skills over the years to answer any need in the field of internal communication. Her professional experience comprises leadership, internal communication, sales processes, soft skills, intercultural Communication and Business English Training -Preparation for the LCCI (London Chamber of Commerce and Industry) .

Cristina holds a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature (English, German, and French), Genova University.

She also obtained a Master in NLP, Neuro-linguistic Programming Methods and tools, Centro Salgado, Freiburg in Breisgau EU.

To register:  https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkd-GhqD0qE9XAX_PeFXJJEN_AHeHJPruN