Webapero: Working successfully with Arabs: Ridha Mejri


18 h 00 min - 19 h 30 min

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  “One who knows about oneself and about others will recognize: Orient and Occident can no longer be separated, to move comfortably between both words. Between the East and the West, that is the best.” J. W. von Goethe

The Arab World is not only strategically a very important region full of natural resources but also a huge market with a potential growth. Still many stereotypes and lack of knowledge about the region as well as the culture and the religion make it very difficult for foreign companies to do business successfully there.

What are the peculiarities of Arabs? How do they tick and think? What is an Arab? Is an Arab necessarily a Muslim and is every Muslim automatically an Arab? Does the Arab World exist?

This webapero will give some insights into the terminology, i.e. what is an Arab, what is a Muslim and where the Arab World is. It will also explain the main important values and attitudes of Arabs and show some good and bad marketing campaigns. In a nutshell it will demonstrate how Arabs tick, communicate, make decisions, cope with conflicts, do business and negotiate.

Ridha Mejri grew up in a bilingual and bicultural environment namely Arabic and French. He lived, studied and worked in several countries. Thus, he is very familiar with the customs, behavior, and business etiquette of the Arab World, but also Germany where he has lived for more than 20 years. This helped him build a solid base for his intercultural expertise.

He holds a master´s degree in Applied Linguistics from the Heidelberg University and a TEFL certificate from the University of East Anglia in Norwich. He is currently a lecturer for Business Communication & Intercultural Management at the Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

He has worked as an in-company trainer and consultant for many years. He offers seminars and workshops to top executives and expats who would like to improve their intercultural skills and management competence. He speaks Arabic, English, French, German and Italian.